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“Sum it up in a Word” Pt. 2

Tonight’s word is ACTIVE. Something I need to be more of. You may want to refer to the blog about procrastination. My biggest downfall. One of the things I think I fear (may be a harsher word than necessary) is the inability of my fingers to keep up with my mind. The thoughts come quicker than I can type. Next thing you know well, next thing I know, is they are all jumbled up in my head. I have the beginnings to about three stories. Whether I make them short stories or novels remains to be seen.

Funny side note here, most times I can type faster looking at the screen as opposed to looking down at the keyboard.

Back to the word…being as ACTIVE as I am or in most cases am not. Is not good enough for where I really want to be. Of course I am referring to the whole weight issue. Now for those of you that are knew to this site, I used to weigh in at around 260+. I now weigh in at 230, sometimes less when I am being slightly more diligent. Or should I say slightly more ACTIVE. 

Of course being ACTIVE doesn’t necessarily have to mean going to the gym. It could simply mean getting outside and doing more fun things. Taking a hike, going for a bike ride, walking to my favorite sandwich place for lunch, and then heading to the local marina and taking some laps around the lake there.

In my own defense, I mentioned that I want to write. As I have stated in earlier blog pages, all the so called experts say that to be a good writer you have to read. So I do a fair amount of reading. I cannot, however, use this as an excuse for not getting out more.

Also, being more ACTIVE doesn’t have to even mean physically. In my case I need to be more active in here. Putting more pages to my blog. I need to put more pages to my books. I need to get into my radio show more, back to once a week instead of once every two to three weeks. For those of you that haven’t been made aware I have a show that I air occasionally on blogtalkradio titled “boomersperch”. If you type that into a word search you have to specify whether you want my radio show at blogtalk, or my blog at wordpress.

On the radio I call myself the ramblinman because I can get to rambling on just about any subject. I guess you could say I get pretty ACTIVE on the radio. The only unfortunate thing about the show is that I cannot schedule it too far in advance. This is due to the fact that I never really know when my days off are going to be. Another reason to be more active in my writing. Maybe, just maybe, it would take off and I can get out of the normal working world and into the life I really want to have. Hmmmm

I think I am going to sign off here. Hopefully I will see you back here soon. I definitely am coming to your blogs to check out what you have all been up to.


About Bigboomer

Hello, first of all I would like to thank you for visiting my blogsite. I am going to tell you a little about me. My name is Ray, I started writing back in high school. Every once in a while I would come up with a few ideas and would write them down. Most of which became poems others became short stories. Some of my inspirations are of the heart, some of them come from the thoughts of the day. You will see, as you browse threw my site my poetry is about as diverse as you can get. I hope that as you read them some will have you thinking of love, while others will make you feel sorrow. I would like some of them to set you off to an adventure. Finally, I have some poems that may make you hungry. I do have some inspirations that just plane turn into ramblings or rants as, if you read in here, you will see. I have managed to get two books published so far, the first one is titled Pathways, it may be found at xlibris.com/RayBohdan.html. there you can view a couple of excerpts form the book. The second book is Mingling Hues of My Mind it is at publish America A little bit more about me. I am fifty-one years old I have three children, Rainney, Elisa, and Anthony and two well, actually, three grandchildren Raeanne Marie, Graycee, and Amaya. I guess I could go on, but then I am afraid this will come out sounding like a dating profile. Part of my site will be dedicated to my poetry, I plan to break it down into different sections and organize it by type/style. Another section of this site will be dedicated to my blog it will be about my rants/thoughts of the day. These will vary from political, to personal, to comical. I will talk about most anything and everything that I feel may be of interest to someone. I also will devote a section to some of my favorite recipes with hints on how to capture his/her heart by winning their stomach. My favorite foods are Italian and Mexican, but this section will not be limited to those two types. I do believe however, that the most important part of my site will be the dedication pages. These will be to memorialize special loved ones and friends, as well as thank those that have made purchases of my afore-mentioned book. This is exactly what you think it is. A way for me to sell my self as a writer. Publicly get my words and thoughts out into the world. Please believe me when I say that this in no way demeans or diminishes my passions for the people and the love of which I have written, and will continue to write. I trust that once you read my poems you will feel the love i have felt, the pains I have been through, and the joys of life itself. Once again I thank you for stopping by please enjoy.


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