

Hello, first of all I would like to thank you for visiting my blogsite. I am going to tell you a little about me. My name is Ray, I started writing back in high school. Every once in a while I would come up with a few ideas and would write them down. Most of which became poems others became short stories. Some of my inspirations are of the heart, some of them come from the thoughts of the day. You will see, as you browse threw my site my poetry is about as diverse as you can get. I hope that as you read them some will have you thinking of love, while others will make you feel sorrow. I would like some of them to set you off to an adventure. Finally, I have some poems that may make you hungry. I do have some inspirations that just plane turn into ramblings or rants as, if you read in here, you will see. I have managed to get two books published so far, the first one is titled Pathways, it may be found at xlibris.com/RayBohdan.html. there you can view a couple of excerpts form the book. The second book is Mingling Hues of My Mind it is at publish America A little bit more about me. I am fifty-one years old I have three children, Rainney, Elisa, and Anthony and two well, actually, three grandchildren Raeanne Marie, Graycee, and Amaya. I guess I could go on, but then I am afraid this will come out sounding like a dating profile. Part of my site will be dedicated to my poetry, I plan to break it down into different sections and organize it by type/style. Another section of this site will be dedicated to my blog it will be about my rants/thoughts of the day. These will vary from political, to personal, to comical. I will talk about most anything and everything that I feel may be of interest to someone. I also will devote a section to some of my favorite recipes with hints on how to capture his/her heart by winning their stomach. My favorite foods are Italian and Mexican, but this section will not be limited to those two types. I do believe however, that the most important part of my site will be the dedication pages. These will be to memorialize special loved ones and friends, as well as thank those that have made purchases of my afore-mentioned book. This is exactly what you think it is. A way for me to sell my self as a writer. Publicly get my words and thoughts out into the world. Please believe me when I say that this in no way demeans or diminishes my passions for the people and the love of which I have written, and will continue to write. I trust that once you read my poems you will feel the love i have felt, the pains I have been through, and the joys of life itself. Once again I thank you for stopping by please enjoy.
Bigboomer has written 229 posts for boomersperch

I Don’t Want to Hear it.

This is actually about the fear of rejection. Especially in long distance relationships. I am in one myself, have been for some time. It is my belief, and this is from both sides. We are always fearful of the possibility that sometime during our relationship, whether it is an actual bf/gf, or just good friends. … Continue reading

My Take on Things

As I see it, most of us never want to admit we screwed up. Especially when it comes to relationships. We always want to be able to point the finger at the other person. In our minds, it was their fault things didn’t work out. On some occasions we would be correct. However, not in … Continue reading

Do as I say

I seem to remember a time when we were taught to be civil with each other. I especially remember the rule “if you don’t have something nice to say don’t say anything at all.” Well, it occurs to me that you can’t teach a rule if you are not going to follow it yourself.

Book or novel

I have stated many times that I have the beginning of three to four books in my document archives. My question of the day is, is it a book or a novel are they the same? Does it remain a book until I finish it? Does it make novel status once it is published? Or … Continue reading

“Sum it up in a Word” Pt. 2

Tonight’s word is ACTIVE. Something I need to be more of. You may want to refer to the blog about procrastination. My biggest downfall. One of the things I think I fear (may be a harsher word than necessary) is the inability of my fingers to keep up with my mind. The thoughts come quicker … Continue reading

“Sum it up in One Word”

Today’s word, oh sorry tonight’s word is “survivor”. I am a survivor not just in the since that I am able to persevere, I am a cancer survivor. This particular word can mean so many things to so many different people. I have survived what many to believe to be and probably is the most … Continue reading

“My Procrastination”

The title alone is the very reason I am not in here as much as I should be. It is however, not the reason I finally got off my duff and went to the gym. Why I don’t go as often as I should, I have no idea. I actually like it there. I get … Continue reading

A little about me

So here I sit getting ready for work. I’ll have my obligatory cup-o-joe and some sort of breakfast type food. Some days I actually try to stick to the good boy regimen and eat something fiberistic. Like that word? Anyway, I usually just slug down some sort of cold cereal just to put food in … Continue reading

“Pursuits…Perfection for Starters”

Hello yes I am back and as it did take me awhile to get back from my last post due to the perfect way I really wanted to present my post. Please read on and tell me how I did. PERFECTION…The pursuit of it and why we strive for it. It is in my opinion that … Continue reading

“Another Rant Against Corporate America” and it’s workers

When I can’t figure a title for my thoughts I just call it a rant. Because basically that is exactly what I am doing. This particular rant is about corporate structure and what the F… uh…. heck are they thinking. I get to work at six in the morning most everyday. There are pallets of … Continue reading