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writer’s block

Here is a subject you can’t write about when you have it, yet you need to write about to get rid of it. Any way I came in here to write, but nothing was coming to mind. Then I thought to myself, “wait a minute that’s it, writer’s block, I will start writing about that and then just keep rambling on”. Writer’s block can be caused by so many things. Stress, too many other things on your mind that nothing is coming out clear. Procrastination, thinking of some really great thoughts and telling yourself you will write them down later. The trouble with this one is, later you forget the thoughts. Apathy, almost the same as procrastination, although with apathy you don’t plan on doing anything about those thoughts. How about doubt? You may doubt any one is going to read it so why write it? Maybe you doubt it is good enough to print. How will you know if you do not write it down and test the waters. Here is a big one for ya…time…a lot of people feel they are pressed for time and therefore do not have the time to write things down. So let us review the reasons for writer’s block. You are STRESSED about life, because you PROCRASTINATED away your TIME and plunged into an APATHETIC state of DOUBT, so you believe no one will want to read about it. Sometimes, all you really need is a proverbial kick in the pants. Get in there and just start putting your thoughts to paper and see what comes up. At first it might all seem like one big solid mess. The nice thing about typing things down in a computer, instead of a typewriter. You can move the cursor back and forth and change or add words as you may see fit. Eventually all the gibberish can make sense if you wish it too. Sure, some times you have to re-read and re-write, do you own editing if you will. You can make it all come together and flow just the way you want it to. Maybe, you are afraid your point of view is to in-depth to understand, and that your readers will not get the drift of what you are trying to say. Maybe, you are afraid you may make it too lengthy. You believe a lot of people do not want to read something that is going to take too much of their time. My response is this, if they do not understand it, but are interested in you and your thoughts they will ask you. This would be the kind of conversation that could very well break you out of your slump and spark more writings. Besides, it shows that someone is interested in you and what you think. Hey…there goes the doubt. The stress is usually relieved when you start writing things down. Of course apathy is done in by any kind of action taken whether you actually post it or not. As for the procrastination, we will take care of that one tomorrow. I think those are my thoughts for now. If I think of anything else, I will give some thought to writing them down. Well I would love to write more in here, however, like I said in the beginning I have writer’s block. thanks for listening….or…..reading…..whatever

About Bigboomer

Hello, first of all I would like to thank you for visiting my blogsite. I am going to tell you a little about me. My name is Ray, I started writing back in high school. Every once in a while I would come up with a few ideas and would write them down. Most of which became poems others became short stories. Some of my inspirations are of the heart, some of them come from the thoughts of the day. You will see, as you browse threw my site my poetry is about as diverse as you can get. I hope that as you read them some will have you thinking of love, while others will make you feel sorrow. I would like some of them to set you off to an adventure. Finally, I have some poems that may make you hungry. I do have some inspirations that just plane turn into ramblings or rants as, if you read in here, you will see. I have managed to get two books published so far, the first one is titled Pathways, it may be found at xlibris.com/RayBohdan.html. there you can view a couple of excerpts form the book. The second book is Mingling Hues of My Mind it is at publish America A little bit more about me. I am fifty-one years old I have three children, Rainney, Elisa, and Anthony and two well, actually, three grandchildren Raeanne Marie, Graycee, and Amaya. I guess I could go on, but then I am afraid this will come out sounding like a dating profile. Part of my site will be dedicated to my poetry, I plan to break it down into different sections and organize it by type/style. Another section of this site will be dedicated to my blog it will be about my rants/thoughts of the day. These will vary from political, to personal, to comical. I will talk about most anything and everything that I feel may be of interest to someone. I also will devote a section to some of my favorite recipes with hints on how to capture his/her heart by winning their stomach. My favorite foods are Italian and Mexican, but this section will not be limited to those two types. I do believe however, that the most important part of my site will be the dedication pages. These will be to memorialize special loved ones and friends, as well as thank those that have made purchases of my afore-mentioned book. This is exactly what you think it is. A way for me to sell my self as a writer. Publicly get my words and thoughts out into the world. Please believe me when I say that this in no way demeans or diminishes my passions for the people and the love of which I have written, and will continue to write. I trust that once you read my poems you will feel the love i have felt, the pains I have been through, and the joys of life itself. Once again I thank you for stopping by please enjoy.


One thought on “writer’s block

  1. Now you’re cookin’, Ray. I think you have found you’re niche.
    Write advice to the Writer-lorn. 🙂

    Posted by Harold | 08/10/2011, 11:32 pm

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