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“Welcome to my New Year’s Revolution”

That’s right I said revolution, it is definitely not a typo. Resolutions are for those that never intend to keep their promises. Promises made to themselves basically. If you must lie, lie to your congressman, lie to the policeman that just pulled you over. Never lie to the people that mean the most to you, and never ever lie to yourself. 

My biggest revolution is speaking my mind. Not holding back to preserve someone else’s feelings. Do not misread me, I will not intentionally go out and hurt people. Yet if they insist on putting me on the spot or backing me into a corner I will respond. I am the Verbal Cup-O-Joe. It is time I stand up to my moniker. 

That being said the first person and issue I need to deal with is (drum roll please) ME and my procrastination!! For instance I have been meaning to come in here and write this particular blog/rant for more than two weeks. And if I have any hopes of building and keeping my following I need to come in here on a regular basis. I do realize these are things I have said before. That is why I am tearing myself a new one. I have to figure out how I want to divide up my time. I still have aspirations of learning three new languages. Italian (I have studied some here), Spanish (I know very little), and ASL (I still may remember the alphabet). As I want to be a writer, I do a lot of reading. If eyes are the window to the soul. Then I believe reading is the eyes to writer’s soul. I do however, despite all the books I have in my collection that are yet unread, need to split my time more evenly. No ifs, and’s, or buts.

This is my charge to obliterate the evilness that is procrastination. We must stand up, or in my case sit down at the computer, and get to what ever it is our little heart desires. No more putting off ’til ,morrow what one may accomplish today. For instance I have a new poem I am working on. I plan to have it finished tomorrow, if not later tonight. I will definitely post that. Another idea I have for the The Thin Line, series I want to write, Race VS Ethnicity, is going to be explored I will post my thoughts on that and all other titles. I do value the public’s opinion. Especially yours, yeah you, I am talking to you ;). Anyway I am going to leave you for now with one last(ing) thought. 

My ex-wife used to get mad at me all the time for comparing life to games or, worse yet, sports.  Yet with all the analogies that are out there for me, sports/games are the best ones. For instance as I was sitting in the living room of my residence. I started to think that the way life is going for me at this particular time, I feel like a poker player. You know the guy that was just dealt a really crappy hand, and has to figure a way to bluff his way to the pot. I am not just playing five card draw, I am playing seven card stud. The first two cards may have been on the low side but the river has helped me turn things around and there is some looking up. Until I get to the turn card and the final hand is dealt, I am going to call, raise, and bluff my way through. The one thing you will never see me do is fold.
You know how they (this is a proverbial thing not really sure who they are) say if life gives you lemons you just need to make lemonade? Well in this case, at least for tonight I have decided to take the cards that life’s dealer has given me and play out my hand. Let the chips fall as they will I am not one to sit around and mope, I always have and always will pick myself up, dust myself off and get back in there to sit in on the next hand

About Bigboomer

Hello, first of all I would like to thank you for visiting my blogsite. I am going to tell you a little about me. My name is Ray, I started writing back in high school. Every once in a while I would come up with a few ideas and would write them down. Most of which became poems others became short stories. Some of my inspirations are of the heart, some of them come from the thoughts of the day. You will see, as you browse threw my site my poetry is about as diverse as you can get. I hope that as you read them some will have you thinking of love, while others will make you feel sorrow. I would like some of them to set you off to an adventure. Finally, I have some poems that may make you hungry. I do have some inspirations that just plane turn into ramblings or rants as, if you read in here, you will see. I have managed to get two books published so far, the first one is titled Pathways, it may be found at xlibris.com/RayBohdan.html. there you can view a couple of excerpts form the book. The second book is Mingling Hues of My Mind it is at publish America A little bit more about me. I am fifty-one years old I have three children, Rainney, Elisa, and Anthony and two well, actually, three grandchildren Raeanne Marie, Graycee, and Amaya. I guess I could go on, but then I am afraid this will come out sounding like a dating profile. Part of my site will be dedicated to my poetry, I plan to break it down into different sections and organize it by type/style. Another section of this site will be dedicated to my blog it will be about my rants/thoughts of the day. These will vary from political, to personal, to comical. I will talk about most anything and everything that I feel may be of interest to someone. I also will devote a section to some of my favorite recipes with hints on how to capture his/her heart by winning their stomach. My favorite foods are Italian and Mexican, but this section will not be limited to those two types. I do believe however, that the most important part of my site will be the dedication pages. These will be to memorialize special loved ones and friends, as well as thank those that have made purchases of my afore-mentioned book. This is exactly what you think it is. A way for me to sell my self as a writer. Publicly get my words and thoughts out into the world. Please believe me when I say that this in no way demeans or diminishes my passions for the people and the love of which I have written, and will continue to write. I trust that once you read my poems you will feel the love i have felt, the pains I have been through, and the joys of life itself. Once again I thank you for stopping by please enjoy.


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